
So its now 2020 and we have a major pandemic going on in the USA..

Despite all that's going on, my mom and I still are close as ever...which we ar forming closer mother and daughter bond...mom seems to think my sister Alice is jealous, though...I doubt it..she works alot and has her family to take care of...

Mom said neither me or Alice are allowed to call each other a "bitch"...

So mom set sister rules, well sibling rules....apparently Alice thought I would meet everyone and then disappear like Uncle Aaron did....

I on the other hand had no intention on disappearing like that...

Mom is very happy that all her kid are where they belong,but no quite, just  waiting on Joey and Jeremiah to get out of prison...

I would love to have Christmas with my whole family including my brothers...and get a family portrait with my brothers, sister and mother...that's what I would like...I'm sure moms would too....

new updated photo of my dad...he's gonna kill me, when he gets out...

I'm glad both my parents want something to do with me...
Also I do talk to both my brothers on my dad's side..DC and Gage...wow.

I'm very happy...is all I can say...
     Great-Grandma Estella Ann Gum

 .    Great-Grandpa   Franklin S. Stout

So Estella and Franklin had Grandpa Fred Stout and Dolly Roxine Ables...whom had my dad, Donald Carl Stout...so on and so on...Whom ha my mom Peggy LoAnn Stout with Brenda Sue Casteel. Mom's middle name is "LoAnn" not "LouAnn"...

More to talk about later, though gotta get sleep work tomorrow 2pm to 10pm...

Night everyone, 

Blessed Be!🥰


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